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PPI Project Pearl Intl Iceland, Kærlieksverk Félagasamtök, FIA and all Filipinos in Iceland raised 664,370 ISK for UNICEF Iceland.

UNICEF emergency fund in Iceland was yesterday over 15 million

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JLK-JLU Contribution to TYPHOON HAIYAN 2013


All collections from the Typhoon Haiyan Buffet were donated to UNICEF.




TOGETHER with friends in Iceland & Mutya Iceland Team and other Filipino Icelandic Organizations, was one of the main organizers during the HAIYAN Charity Lunch Buffet Event supporting the UNICEF Typhoon Haiyan Campaign.


Sponsorship from Kærleiksverk, Family Foundation-Iceland, and Iceland´s FA: (Meat) chicken, turkey, lamb, and beef.

Actual cost/amt: 200.000 Isk primary contacts: Sponsors and Media Channels

Kærleikverk assists volunteers and coordinators during the event.


Kærleiksverk transportation was provided free of charge by Sigurður Friðriksson and Evelyn Tagalog, owner of CC Car Rental-Iceland.

Actual cost/amt: 19.900 ISK

*Damage cost due to icy bad weather: 25.000 Isk paid to CC Car Rental.

The exit area of the Car Rental garage was slippery. The brake did not work, and the car slid back.

*Gasoline: 5000 Isk + 25.000 paid by Kærleiksverk Félagasamtök


Tickets & Posters: Free Design and Printing by Geoffrey Pettypiece


Campaign Event Photos at

Vel heppnað hlaðborð Filippseyinga á Íslandi til styrktar UNICEF
Successful buffet Filipinos in Iceland to sponsor UNICEF

(Google Translation)

Fullt var út úr dyrum á veitingastaðnum Bambus í gær þegar Filippseyingar búsettir á Íslandi skipulögðu hlaðborð með filippeyskum mat til styrktarhjálparstarfi UNICEF á hamfarasvæðinu eftir fellibylinn Haiyan. Allir miðarnir seldust upp og fólk hélt áfram að streyma að. Mörg hundruð manns mættu og stemmningin var frábær.

Kraftaverkakonurnar Maflor S. Blanchefleur, Margarita Hamatsu og Lilja Védís Hólmsdóttur voru meðal þeirra sem gerðu viðburðinn að veruleika. Hátt í 50 sjálfboðaliðar lögðu sitt af mörkum og miklu meira en það til að töfra fram þetta flotta hlaðborð. Ótal aðilar gáfu hráefni til matargerðarinnar og Bambus gaf afnotin af staðnum frítt.

Borðin svignuðu undan kræsingunum og gríðarleg vinna var hjá kokkunum að ná að elda heilt hlaðborð fyrir mörg hundruð manns. Svo mikil var aðsóknin að maturinn kláraðist sem og allir diskarnir, en Lilja brást eldsnöggt við því og skaust út í Kolaport þar sem hún reddaði átta kílóum af rækjum á veisluborðið! Kokkarnir gengu í málið og áfram var hlaðborðið stútfullt af veitingum.



Mikil fjölmiðlaathygli

Fréttastofa RÚV var á staðnum og Vera Illugadóttir talaði meðal annars við hann Stefán okkar og hana Lilju Védísi  en hún er frá Filippseyjum og hefur búið á Íslandi í mörg ár.

Fréttastofa Stöðvar 2 lét sig heldur ekki vanta og Jón Júlíus Karlsson sagði meðal annars frá því að margir þeirra Filippseyinga sem búsettir eru hér á landi koma frá þeim svæðum þar sem eyðileggingin er hvað mest.

„Við erum mjög ánægð með stuðning Íslendinga," sagði Lilja Védís í fréttinni. Þar kom enn fremur fram að neyðarsöfnun UNICEF á Íslandi var í gær komin yfir 15 milljónir. Eins mátti sjá myndir af viðburðinum bæði í Fréttablaðinu og Morgunblaðinu í dag.


Söngur og Swaggerific

Góð stemmning myndaðist í karaókísöng á hlaðborðinu og var það ekki síst unga kynslóðin sem tók sig til og tróð upp. Ótrúlega margir efnilegir söngvarar þar á ferð!

Loks kom danshópurinn Swaggerific fram og gerði mikla lukku en dansararnir gerðu garðinnn meðal annars frægan í Dans dans dans á sínum tíma. Hér á You Tube má sjá dansinn þeirra í gær.


Á Facebook síðu okkar eru nokkrar myndir frá viðburðinum.

Bambus's restaurant was full yesterday when Philippians resided in Iceland organized a buffet of Filipino food for UNICEF's relief work in the disaster area after Hurricane Haiyan. All the tickets were sold, and people continued to stream. Hundreds of people met, and the mood was great.


The lead organizers Maflor S. Blanchefleur, Margarita Hamatsu, and Lilja Védís Hólmsdóttir, were among those who made the event a reality. A high of 50 volunteers contributed much more to capture this splendid buffet. Numerous parties brought drinks, party utensils, and Bamboo to provide free use of the venue.

The tables went off the dishes, and a great effort was made by the cooks to cook a full buffet for hundreds of people. So much was the turnout that the food was finished as well as all the dishes, but Lilja went out and rushed to Kolaport, where she purchased eight kilos of prawns to add to the dinner table! The chefs took care of it, and the buffet was packed full of food in no time.



Great media coverage

RÚV's news agency was on-site, and Vera Illugadóttir spoke with our UNICEF Dir. Stefán and Lilju Védísi, who is from the Philippines and has lived in Iceland for many years.

The news agency Stations 2 also did not miss, and Jón Julius Karlsson said, among other things, that many of the Filipinos living in Iceland come from the areas where the destruction is the most.

"We are very pleased with the support of Icelanders," said Lilja Védís, who said that the UNICEF emergency fund in Iceland was yesterday over 15 million, as well as photos of the event in the newspaper Fréttablaðið and Morgunbladið today.


Song and Swaggerific

A good entertainment follows, karaoke song while the buffet goes on and it was not least the young generation came about and lighted up the event with their performances. Amazingly many promising singers there!

Finally, the Swaggerific dance group performed and made a great deal of dances, but the dancers are not other than the popular and famous groups in the Dance Dance Dance TV show at the time. Here on YouTube, you can see their dance yesterday.


On our Facebook page are some pictures from the event.

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