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Kærleiksgjöf - Gift For Strangers


Giving  Gifts With Love/Gefðu gjöf með ást

SINCE 10 Dec 2012.

The purpose of joining Gifts For Strangers worldwide event is to bring love and joy, the warm feelings to others.


Gift giving is customary around the world and becoming a ceremonial event.


JLKJLU´s idea of giving gifts is traditional. Our tradition is LOVE.

We hope to inspire this idea and we hope to reach out to others to giving gifts with a capital LOVE!

This idea is not our own but Jesus did install it in our heart and soon it will be installed in your heart.

If your reading this---embrace yourself. Jesus is wrapping your heart with HIS LOVE. - ms


GFS: Gifts For Strangers/Gjafir Handa Ókunnugum

Gifts for Strangers, is a world-wide cause to spread kindness and goodwill around the world. Because one little act of kindness can inspire others to act, and change the very way someone sees the world. 


Iceland 1st GFS: The 2012 Gifts for Strangers mission started outside the Landsbankinn, Austurstræti 11, 101 Reykjavik on Sunday, December 16th - Time. 16:00 . Maflor Svandís of JLK JLU Mission  started this event a few years back after her cousin Lisa Goebel took participation in GFS Canada. With friends, Maria from Colombia, Toshiki from Japan, Linda and Katrin from Iceland, Christien from Iceland/South Africa, University exchange students/volunteers and her mom Lelita Rós came out to hand out gifts and hugs to strangers in Iceland.

Ást og Gleði /Kærleiksgjöf

Fögnum hlýju tímabilsins


Loftið er að verða kaldara,

Hátíð færist næ,

tími fyrir hátíð,

með þeim sem við ekki þekkjum.



Segðu að þú verðir þar.

Við skulum fagna okkar 3ja árlega Gjafir Handa Ókunnugum 2014 

saman með Giftforstrangers.orgmeð góðum vinum og góðu skapi


Lau., 20. Desember.


5 p.m. - 7 p.m.






___ ENGLISH___


Celebrate the warmth

of the season...



The air is getting colder,

the holidays are near,

a time for celebration with

those we don’t recognized.



Please say you´ll be here.

Lets celebrate our 3rd Annual Gift Wrap with Love 2014

Together with Gift For

With good friends and good cheeron Saturday, December 20th

4 p.m. - 6 p.m. Center Tower Lækjargata-Downtown,Reykjavík


*Please bring wrapped gifts. *


Please bring your kids. Making it more a kid´s activity and will make

things far more exciting for the kids to experience the spirit of Christmas

and remember how fun it can be...



Thank you in advance for your time.










Enn og aftur, velkomin á öðru ári Gjafir Handa Ókunnugum 2013 í Reykjavík - Gifts For Strangers 2013 Event together with W.O.M.E.N-Samtök kvenna af erlendum uppruna á Íslandi

Skulum gefa ást og gleði!!!

Njótið með okkur og hittumst Austurvöllur fyrir utan Café Paris- Austurstræti, þann 21. desember 2013 kl. 18:45 - Laugardaginn

Vinsamlega athugið siðuna, Gift for Strangers, og skoðið siðustu færslunnar og sjáið hvað þær eru skemmtilegar.
Join Gifts For Stranger Event together with W.O.M.E.N-Samtök kvenna af erlendum uppruna á Íslandi . Those interested groups or individuals are welcome to join. We will be meeting Austurvöllur, outside Café Paris in Austurstræti, 101 on Saturday, December 21st- Time.18:45


W.O.M.E.N office on Túngata 14 will be open tonight (Tuesday) and we will be accepting gifts from 20-22 for those of you who can not make it on Saturday.

Second floor:)


Please drop your gifts at 4th Floor Hotel-Snorrabraut 29,105 Reykjavik.

Please give a quick look over the last event pictures and Gifts for Strangers website to see how much fun to see stranger smile and happy, and we look forward to see you there!








Gjafir handa ókunnugum-dagurinn haldinn í fyrsta skipti á Íslandi í ár.


Hugsunin að gefa ókunnugum gjafir til að gleðja og kæta á sér nærtæka fyrirmynd, en það er einmitt það sem jólasveinarnir eru hvað þekktastir fyrir að gera. Ekki er þó þörf á að vera í jólasveinabúning til að taka þátt í deginum Gjafir handa ókunnugum.

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